Truck with Trump F-bomb message leaves TX driver at odds with sheriff

(RNN/KTRK/CNN) – The owner of a pickup truck with a political message against President Donald Trump in the back window that includes the F-word says she has no plans to remove the sign, even though the local sheriff has spoken out against it.

“F— Trump and f— you for voting for him” is displayed in the back window of Karen Fonseca’s white pickup truck, seen driving around Fort Bend County, TX.

Fonseca says the decal, which she had custom made 11 months ago for $25, speaks for many.

“It makes people happy. They smile, they stop you, they want to shake your hand. They’re like, ‘We wish that we could do this and we had enough guts to do it, and you’re doing it,'” Fonseca said.

Fonseca says her main issue with the president is she disagrees with his promised border wall.

In a Facebook post Wednesday, Sheriff Troy E. Nehls said he wants to speak to the owner of the truck, who was at that time not identified. The goal would be to see if they can agree on a modification of the message; otherwise, the driver could be charged with disorderly conduct.

With almost 5,000 comments on the Facebook post, some are glad the sheriff is addressing the issue, particularly since children can see the post. Others are asking if it infringes upon the owner’s free speech.

In response, Nehls posted a screenshot of Texas’ disorderly conduct law in the comments. The law says someone is being disorderly if they are intentionally or knowingly using “abusive, indecent, profane or vulgar language in a public place…”

“They’re fighting words because now you’re challenging an individual. You’re focused on that one person because it says, ‘F you for voting for him.’ And that person gets offended and all of a sudden screaming and yelling. Then the sheriff’s office or the local police get called. Now you have a breach of the peace,” said Nehls in a press conference Wednesday afternoon.

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