Make pet placemats at STMA’s family workshop
Tired of the mess Miss Kitty or Fido make at meal time? Are the puddles of water and bits of spilled kibble wearing you down? If so, just sign up for the next Steffen Thomas Museum’s Arts Outreach Family Workshop — Petrageous Placemats — and your problem will be a thing of the past.
During the workshop, scheduled for Saturday, June 12 from 10 noon, you will create a unique placemat for your furry friend using canvas and acrylic paint. The session will be taught by Molly Lesnikowski, part owner of the Red Door Studio in Rutledge; she will be assisted by STMA Docent, Linda Thoman.
Molly is a well-know designer of home accent pieces such as hand painted canvas rugs and floor coverings, as well as murals. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Connecticut College, and attended the Art Students League in New York City. Her work has been shown at exhibits in Marblehead and Martha’s Vineyard, MA; Mystic, CN; Flagler Beach, FL; Aiken, SC; Watch Hill and Providence, RI; and Atlanta. For more information on Molly and her art, please visit
“The placemats are made just like floor cloths, with canvas and acrylic paint,” Molly explained. “They’re then sealed, which makes them extremely durable. The mats will be approximately 15” by 20”, slightly larger than the average placemat, so they can easily accommodate two bowls or an especially messy four-legged diner. They can also be used as sturdy table protectors,” she added.
But don’t let this elegant service go to your pet’s head. The cat may start demanding caviar; the dog, filet mignon! Just kidding!
The museum’s workshop fees are $10 for adults, $8 for children; members receive a $2 discount. Those in financial need may attend free of charge. Reservations are required. Please call (706) 342-7557.
The STMA Arts Outreach Program provides family workshops for art enthusiasts of all ages one Saturday a month at the museum. All sessions are scheduled for 10 noon.
The Steffen Thomas Museum of Art, located at 4200 Bethany Road, Buckhead, is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information and directions, please visit or call (706) 342-7557.