Greensboro student tackling childhood obesity

By raising their voices and inspiring their peers to live healthier lives, young people across the nation are leading the fight against childhood obesity. Major Dukes, 11 of Greensboro, Georgia along with 24 other exceptional young people has been selected to serve on the 2010-2011 Youth Advisory Board for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, an organization founded by the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation.

The 25 tweens and teens selected are leading the way in their communities and amongst their peers as they spread the word about the importance of healthy living through the Alliance’s empowerME Movement. The empowerME Movement — 2.3 million young people and growing —  is a “by kids, for kids” initiative inspiring all kids to make healthy behavior changes and to become leaders and advocates for healthy eating and physical activity.

When asked about the biggest obstacles youth face when trying to live a healthier life, Major replied, “Kids at school try to lure you in by saying sweets are very cool. Some kids think healthy is ‘old school’.”

Major is a student at Union Point Elementary. Even when watching television, he jumps around, wrestles with his brother, or does sit-ups.  In his free time, Major enjoys playing golf, swimming, baseball, fishing and soccer.  He loves to help people with projects or cleaning around their house. This past school year, he won the Presidential Outstanding Academic Award and was an “A” Honor Roll student.  He believes in being strong academically as well as leading a healthy lifestyle.

The 2010-2011 Board members, ranging in age from 9-17 and representing 21 diverse states, will continue the leadership of past boards by creating social networking campaigns around healthy living, speaking at stakeholder conferences, engaging with government leaders and initiating healthy changes through service-learning and other projects at school and in their neighborhoods.

“Empowering youth to make healthy lifestyle choices is critical to combating childhood obesity,” said Ginny Ehrlich, Executive Director of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. “The efforts of the Youth Advisory Board highlight the power of youth voice —  inspiring each other to ensure their generation will live longer, healthier lives.”

Other members of the 2010-2011 Youth Advisory Board are: Isabella Acosta Barna, 16, Bend, Oregon; Sarah Chastain, 10, Anchorage, Kentucky; Madelyn Clark, 16, Mechanicsville, Virginia; Scotie Conner, 17, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Madeline Cumbey, 9, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Justin DeParis, 13, Allendale, New Jersey; Kirsten Holston, 14, Carmel, Indiana; Robert Hsu, 17, Novi, Michigan; Isaiah Huerta, 10, El Monte, California; Dawson MacKay, 11, Bethesda, Maryland; Tyler McCardell, 15, Kirkwood, Pennsylvania; Coleton Meseke, 13, Chatham, Illinois; Austin Miller, 12, Holly, Michigan; Carson Miller, 14, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Wendi Oppenheim, 17, Southwest Ranches, Florida; Ethan Oro, 12, Menlo Park, California; Ashlyn Pinkins, 14, Gretna, Louisiana; Kierstyn Ramos, 12, Pasco, Washington; Melinda Sartor, 12, Plano, Texas; Kenderick Scorza, 16, North Little Rock, Arkansas; Ananta Sharma, 16, Nashville, Tennessee; Chassidy Sumler, 16, Flora, Mississippi; Desiree Toledo-Leyva, 13, Tucson, Arizona; Jacob Vasquez, 12, San Antonio, Texas.

The empowerME Movement is the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s initiative to engage kids across the country to take charge of their health, get educated and get activated. Any young person can go online and make a commitment to healthy living at where they can share their stories and find resources to help them have a positive impact on their own life, at school and in the community.