Goodwill celebrates 30 years of leadership
James K. Stiff, president of Goodwill Industries of Middle Georgia and the CSRA, recently celebrated his 30th anniversary with the organization.
Stiff began his career with Goodwill in Washington, D.C. in 1988. He moved to Macon in 1994 to grow the Goodwill mission as president for Middle Georgia, and then established a Goodwill presence in the CSRA in 1996.
Learning and development are key tools to helping people advance in life and become self-sufficient. Because of Stiff’s unparalleled dedication and leadership, he has received the P.J. Trevethan Award for outstanding contributions to the training and development of Goodwill Industries personnel and the Matthews Entrepreneurial Award from Goodwill Industries International.
Among his array of distinguished awards, Stiff is most proud of launching Helms College in 2007, the first licensed, nationally accredited, and federal financial aid eligible post-secondary school in the Goodwill network. Under his leadership, the local Goodwill has placed over 20,000 people into jobs and created more than $500 million in economic impact back into the community in the past five years.
“As I look back on the past three decades, I am incredibly proud of what we have accomplished as an organization, but also humbled by the undying support we have received from the communities we are a part of. The leadership from a strong board of directors, financial supporters, material donors, shoppers, and our team members have all made a powerful impact. It has been an incredible journey and we still have tens of thousands more to put on career pathways out of poverty,” said Stiff.
Mr. Stiff received his Bachelor of Philosophy in Human Services from Grand Valley State University and holds a Masters in Education and Religious Studies from Notre Dame Institute. He has served on many boards, including the Goodwill Industries International Board, Downtown Macon Rotary Club, the Macon-Bibb County Workforce Investment Board, the Georgia State Workforce Investment Board, Grand Valley State University Alumni Board and the Knight Foundation Advisory Board.