Container gardening is a great option for urban areas

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Container gardening is becoming a very popular way to enjoy greenery and flowers for homeowners, apartment dwellers, condo owners and businesses. Containers can be grown inside or outside. They can be placed on shelves, floors, tables, dishes, appliances, countertops, decks, patios, pool areas and entry ways. Actually you can place them just about anywhere you want. Containers come in many different styles and materials. With a large shipment of glazed containers arriving soon, now is a great time to choose the right style, size and color for your particular need. Clay pots are another container choice that is widely used. They come in a large variety of shapes and sizes.

For outdoor container gardening there are many different types of plant that can be used. Small trees and shrubs such as Japanese Maples, Hollies, Gardenias, Camellias, Pom-Pom Boxwoods and Arborvitae are good choices. By using these types of plants, smaller plants and flowers can be planted underneath to add extra interest to the garden. An accent plant can be planted in the middle with beautiful flowers around it. For interior gardens, there is a wide variety of houseplants available. There are many different sizes and styles of plants from tall plants to groundcover plants, from interesting leaf colors to delicate blooms.

Container gardening can be simply one container by itself or groupings of containers of various styles each with its on interesting plantings. Visit the garden center and checkout all the styles of containers and plants available. This may be your year to start a container garden.

Happy Gardening.