Spring is perfect time for landscape projects
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Spring has arrived and there are many different outdoor projects to do in your yard. Projects include everything from seeding the lawn to planting trees and shrubs or vegetable gardens. It is also time to fertilize lawns, shrubs, trees and gardens.
Since the weather is becoming warmer it is a good time to plant Fescue seed. Rake dirt areas to loosen up the soil, this will allow the seed to have a good soil contact which gives the roots a better start. Next add lime if needed, then starter fertilizer to help with root growth. The next step is to add wheat straw over bare areas. The seed needs to be kept moist to allow for good germination.
Spring is a good time to fertilize trees and shrubs. Always fertilize with a good quality nursery and landscape fertilizer. This type of fertilizer has much needed trace elements essential to healthy plant growth. Azaleas and Camellia require a special fertilizer. Look for the name on the package to be sure you have the correct one. Do not fertilize any Azalea or Rhododendron that hasn’t bloomed. If they are fertilized too soon it will force the blooms to drop quickly. Fertilize these flowering plants after they have finished blooming.
There are many plants and trees available now. This is a good time to find unique varieties for your landscape. Some of the more unusual varieties come from the West Coast including several varieties of Cedars, and Boxwoods such as Dwarf English Boxwood. There are also several varieties of ornamental Pines, Yews, and a large selection of Japanese Maples. There is a good selection of perennials, which includes Lenten Rose, Daisies, Coreopsis, and Sage. Ask the garden professionals to show you all the great plants available for planting now.
Happy Gardening