Awards, prizes and pizza party to close Vacation Reading Club

Greene County Library’s Vacation Reading Club will end its 2012 summer session with a pizza party and awards ceremony on Thursday, July 26.  

This year’s theme, “Dream Big — Read”, ran from May through July (nine weeks as opposed five in the past) and included three exciting movies (all taken from popular children’s books).

A storyteller, magician, reptile handler, musician, dance instructor and local songstress rounded out the programs — all encouraging the participants to take advantage of the library and read, read, read.

Special guest, wood carver Chris Lantz, will be on hand to show and tell how he sculpted the Library’s fabulous Br’er Rabbit.

The K-5 group will receive prizes for attendance and for most books read.  

There will also be prizes for the teen and adult groups.  Miss Mag and her Storytime tots will hold their celebration at their regular time of 10:30 a.m.